Funding Opportunities



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Grant announcements from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for supporting research to improve the quality, effectiveness, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of health care

Central website to search and apply for grants administed by the feceral government.

NIH funding opportunity announcements

Grants, fellowships and other funding oppotunitites from the National Institutes of Health annouced weekly.


University of California Office of the President

Funding opportunities for UC (and California) researchers to conduct research on priorities that are supported by the UCOP.

UCLA Faculty Research Grants (current cycle closed)

Academic Senate Faculty, including emeriti professors, are eligible to apply for COR grant programs.

UCLA Faculty Travel Grants

All members of the Academic Senate, including emeriti and those on sabbatical leave, may apply. Support will be granted for participation in a maximum of ONE conference or meeting of scholarly societies per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) per individual, subject to availability of funds.


The California Endowment

The California Endowment’s grantmaking is broadly guided by our Building Healthy Communities (BHC) work and by the guidelines of each of our grant types.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections

The New Connections program provides research grants, networking, and skill building opportunities to early and midcareer scholars who are members of ethnic or racial minority or low-income communities and/or the first in their family to receive a college degree.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Kellogg grantmaking supports thriving children, working families and equitable communities.


Schools Not Prisons Grant

Sol Collective is looking for innovative ideas that use arts, culture and people power to challenge California’s culture of punishment and propose solutions that move public dollars away from prisons and other oppressive forms of punishment, into education, health, prevention and youth development. Proposals should identify an aspect of the punishment system (immigrant prisons, harsh school discipline, youth incarceration, war on drugs, etc), the harm it causes, and alternative solutions.

Center Grant Cycle: Spring 2018

Pilot funding is available to faculty affiliates on a competiive basis.