From the Director...

From the Director:


Since joining the UCLA faculty in 2008, I have personally hosted a viewing of the UNC Minority Health Conference or sponsored a partnership conference at UCLA nearly every year. This practice continued through the Center, beginning in 2017 when the Center was launched. Student affiliate Taylor Rogers, a healthcrit and doctoral candidate in Health Policy & Management, agreed to serve as the inaugural student chair of the UCLA partner site for the conference. Since then, Millicent Robinson, Ale Cabral and Adrian Bacong have served in this role exceptionally.


This year, in lieu of a separate UCLA partner conference, we urge you to participate in one or both of the activities below, which both occur Friday, February 24, 2023. Participating is important not only to learn, but also to feel and to connect. Certainly, connecting with one another now—a period of continued violence and turbulence—is as important as ever.


“Practicing Health as a Human Right: Policy, Ethics and Law,” 44th Annual UNC Minority Health Conference

*which remains my favorite health equity-focused conference in the nation!*

For the conference schedule and to register, please visit the conference site.


“Transforming Research: Feminist Methods for Times of Crisis and Possibility,” 33rd Annual Thinking Gender Student Conference

Friday, February 24, 2023, at the Grand Horizon Ballroom at UCLA Covel Commons. For the conference schedule and to register, please visit the conference website.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


In struggle for health justice,
